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Email marketing in  business

Email marketing is one of the oldest forms of digital marketing that makes your customers aware of new offerings and discounts on your product and services. It is also very fruitful in terms of engaging your audiences with your brand and increasing brand awareness as well. Nowadays Email marketing has been transformed from sending mass emails to sending personalized content to targeted customers.  It improves the ROI, which is important in the inbound strategy of a business. It has a 4.5 million user base that helps it to beat giant marketing channels such as SEO and social media marketing.

It is useful in generating leads and nurturing them by sending promotional offers. Email marketing has an overwhelming response from marketers in terms of engaging audiences and enhancing their shopping experience.

What is email marketing?

Email marketing is one of the pivotal parts of digital marketing strategies that deliver personalized messages to the targeted audience and builds meaningful relationships with them. It also helps to improve marketing campaigns by accelerating engagement rates.

Even email marketing campaigns are beneficial to driving the promotion of products to the next level. It is more of sending a set of individual messages for a specific time period and purpose. It may sound time taking but email automation tools come to the rescue. Email automation tools are effective to send the right message to the right people at the right time. It also helps to generate leads and convert them into sales with automation workflows.

Types of email marketing

Three types of email marketing are there such as promotional,  informative and re-engagement emails.

Email newsletters are used for promotion activities and to give knowledge about the products and services. It also helps to give insights, thoughts and product updates that create value to build a strong relationship with your audience.

Advantages of email marketing

Gaining customer loyalty and engagement

Email marketing helps to gain customer loyalty by generating leads, nurturing and retaining them as well. It is very effective in terms of building a community. Incorporating email campaigns is dependent on segmenting your customers. Segmentation of the customer is based on demographic data and buying frequency. Email marketing is a pivotal part that helps to streamline communication and uplift sales CRM systems.

Email can make it easier to increase the engagement of the customers with the brand. Nowadays marketers give customise offerings to their customers based on their purchasing frequency through email. It makes them more engaged with the brand.

Increasing brand awareness

Email newsletters give insights and product updates to the customers so that they can be more aware of the recent offer and announcements by the brand. It will help to increase brand awareness and make them more connected with your brand.

Getting into their inbox means your brand will be in the mind of subscribers. So you should grab the opportunity to increase your online presence with engaging titles and push notifications.

Driving sales

Marketing is one of the most versatile platforms to drive sales. It has some innovative techniques that make it easier to boost sales performance. Some innovative email marketing techniques are cart emails and personalized coupons. Cart emails hit on a subscriber’s inbox, whenever the subscriber adds an item to the cart but does not buy it. A personalized coupon is given on special occasions such as anniversaries, and birthdays in a welcome manner to re-engage the audience.

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